'American Idol' Turns Top 12 Into Baker's Dozen

It was an action packed night on American Idol as the judges’ wildcard picks returned for one more shot at making the finals.

With four judges critiquing and eight contestants performing, it was hard to believe the show was going to be able to squeeze it all into just one hour. But Idol not only delivered the singing and the banter, they delivered eliminations too — all in one episode complete with a surprise twist.

Jesse Langseth kicked things off singing “Tell Me Something Good” and Simon responded by telling her something good: that he was happy they brought her back. Unfortunately for Jesse, he went on to tell her something not so good: she nearly made it, but not quite.

Matt Giraud faired better with “Who’s Loving You?” And the answer, Matt, is me — I am loving you. From his bluesy singing style to his rich, gritty voice as long as he picks the right song this kid can do no wrong.

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Unless of course he comes out on stage wearing a bandana around his neck again like he’s about to rob a bank in the Wild West. Simon is hardly the authority on fashion but he had a point in saying that Matt needed some help in the wardrobe department.

And if you’re wondering what happens when you don’t take Simon’s fashion advice, look no further than Von Smith. Von went against Simon’s suggestion that he wear a hat and instead ended up rocking a look straight out of Something About Mary.

But Von didn’t seem too concerned with his hair because he said was just so “ecstatic” and happy to be given a second chance to sing on American Idol – which he expressed by singing the saddest song in the world. The lyrics were literally: “It's sad, so sad, it's a sad, sad situation.” But it’s not, Von, it’s a happy “ecstatic” situation remember???

“Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word” turned out not to be the most appropriate song for the occasion and in the end “Von, you’re through” seemed to be the hardest words … because the judges never said them.

One thing I can say for Von though is at least he took the time to learn a new song, which for some reason seemed like a difficult concept Thursday.

Anoop Desai repeated “My Prerogative” from the Hollywood rounds and Tatiana Del Toro actually went with the same exact song she sang last time saying she just couldn’t find a better song to sing than “Saving All My Love for You.” Wonder what she would have done for country week?

To make up for the fact that she was singing the same song, Tatiana decided instead to change things up by speaking with a new accent. I think she actually threw in some broken English in there at some point, too.

Megan Corkery, on the other hand seemed to have her fake accent a little more under control last night, unlike that note she attempted to hit at the end of “Black Horse and a Cherry Tree.” No, Megan, it’s not the one for you.

Of course that didn’t matter, because it seems that tattoo sleeve has the judges hypnotized to the point that they think even when she’s bad, she’s somehow good, or as Simon put it: “It wasn’t the best vocal, but it doesn’t matter, it was terrific.” Now that she’s through to the finals we’ll see if America agrees.

Unlike Megan, Jasmine Murray however had no problem with her high notes on “Reflection” though it was hard to avoid reflecting on all the less boring things I’d rather be doing than listening to her sing that song.

Still, her powerful vocals were enough to win her a spot in the finals along with Megan, Matt and Anoop as American Idol’s brings us their first Top 13.

The finalists will now head to a different stage, with a different format, and, most importantly, no judges’ wild card to save them. This is where the real action begins.