'American Idol' Mania Begins

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Welcome back, "American Idol"! This year we plan on interviewing those eliminated the day after rather then waiting for them to fly in! Today was part one of Paula Abdul and Wednesday is part two. OK, she does end up on my lap and I did pay Steve $1 because he had intel that we have thawed out our icy relationship. It's true and thank goodness she wasn't as tired for my interview as she was for other FOX affiliates.

We did make news today — like announcing the signing of David Beckham a full day before all others — in allowing Tom Tancredo to officially declare he was forming an exploratory committee to see if he has support for a presidential run. Many Republicans love him for his immigration stance and he could have a real shot.

No time today but intrigued by how we are turning up the pressure on Iran even if it ticks off the Iraqis. The raid and detainment of the Iranians in Kurdish Iraq and the moves in Pakistan to clamp down on Al Qaeda and the Taliban have me really hopeful. Maybe that move explains why the Iranians have sent a message to Secretary of State Rice through Saudi Arabia. I think we should show the world the IEDs the Iranians are making and parade the soldiers they are training and get the world behind us. Soon we could take the Iranians IEDs and send them back into Iran — maybe on their highways!

What a thrill to have Jerry Rice in today talking about his life, career and more. What you learn from his book is how hard he worked and how hard you have to work if you are going to have a shot at achieving your goals.

Speaking of books, go grab Steve's "The Mr. & Mrs. Happy Handbook." The N.Y. Times best seller is fall down funny.

See you tomorrow,


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