America is Still Working

While I realize many Americans are certainly soured on politics and government and to a large degree understandably so. I hope you aren’t soured on America. This country is still working.

The dramatic political upheaval this past election was kind of like the flushing of a toilet. Not all that pleasant but sure was necessary. And it means we start with some clean water and a fresh smell.

You bet we have our problems but this is still the greatest country on Earth. Poverty in this land is a higher standard of living than what is considered normal in most of the world. Now that’s no excuse for us to ever be satisfied with the fact that their maybe hungry children, unemployed adults and people who lack basic comforts like heat or running water.

But apologizing for America’s success is not going to help us do any better. We are still a land of opportunity. And we do better when government opens pathways instead of slamming doors and telling us what we can’t do. I sure hope the ones we just elected know that.

Because we do best when we have big goals to achieve; like going to the moon, stopping the aggression of the Nazi’s and Japanese in World War II or a modern day threat like Iran. I hope instead of just hoping to defeat the other political party we’d like to strive for something that’s more important like discovering a cure for cancer or Alzheimer’s. Or rebuilding our roads or getting our schools to actually educate our students.

It’s not that our problems are too big; it’s that our solutions are too small. It’s not about the politics of winning and losing; it’s about the people being empowered to finding their piece of the American dream. I’m not looking in the rearview mirror at what we’ve done wrong. I’m looking to the windshield, and I’m optimistic about where we’re going.


I hope you share that optimism.

I hope you’ve enjoyed our look back at 2010 and our look ahead at 2011. And you’ll be back with us next week. We’ll be around all this year having the time or our lives. Happy New Year everybody! Good night and God bless from New York.

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