Adviser's Affect

And now some fresh pickings from the political grapevine:

Adviser's Affect

National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice's testimony to the 9/11 commission yesterday appears to have reassured some people about the Administration's handling of warnings about terrorist attacks.

A new poll, taken after the testimony, shows that 32 percent of Americans now say the Bush administration did all it could to prevent 9/11. That's up 10 points from a week earlier.

Nearly twice as many say the administration could have done more, but that is down from last week. In addition, 25 percent say the Bush administration was in fact paying enough attention to the terrorist threat before 9/11, up from 18 percent last week.

Overall, a majority of Americans say they have a favorable view of Dr. Rice.

Bailey Bailing?

The Dorchester County Democratic Party in South Carolina is suing the candidate it has supported and endorsed for state congress, incumbent George Bailey. You see, Bailey last week decided to switch parties, and is now running as a Republican.

Democrats say they hope to -- "make him accountable for his fraudulent conduct" with their lawsuit, which could force Bailey off the ballot altogether. Specifically, the lawsuit says Bailey breached a signed pledge to only run as a Democrat.

Bailey, quoted by the Orangeburg Times and Democrat, admits he may have -- "unleashed a hell of a mess," but says --  "I did what I had to do." The issue goes to court next week.

Picture-perfect Primary?

Remember earlier this week we told you how Sam Walls, a candidate for the Texas state legislature, is under pressure to drop out of the Republican primary race, now that photos of him in women's clothing and earrings are circulating around his district?

Well, one of the largest newspapers in Texas, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, which endorsed him on Monday, is coming to his defense.

The paper writes -- "Voters sometimes learn more about a candidate than they want to know. ... [The paper's decision to endorse Walls] was based on his experience as a successful businessman, his tireless work for the Republican Party in Texas and his many years of community service. ... We see no reason to change our recommendation."

FOX News' Michael Levine contributed to this report