Abu Ghraib Update

In addition to our special live coverage on Hurricane Ivan, Wednesday on “DaySide” we have a special guest: General Geoffrey Miller, the Army general now in charge of all prisons in Iraq.

We've received a lot of viewer e-mail about the Abu Ghraib (search) scandal, so now we thought it appropriate to see what has changed. The general — who was in charge of detainees at Guantanamo Bay before he was assigned to Iraq — will be talking to us live from Baghdad. Recently he told reporters that the U.S. military is getting more high-quality tips from Iraqis since it stopped using the "coercive interrogation techniques" used by some of the soldiers at the center of the Abu Ghraib scandal.

Soldiers are no longer allowed to "soften up" prisoners by placing in stress positions, or making them sit/stand in uncomfortable positions for long periods of time. Instead, the new method of interrogation — taught by an Army reservist who is also a Chicago police detective — are based on developing a rapport with a detainee. I plan to ask Gen. Miller exactly how that works — and then what U.S. soldiers do to verify the tips yielded during these interrogations.

What questions do you have about this change in interrogation techniques? Gen. Miller is willing to answer them, so send them to me via e-mail: dayside@foxnews.com



Watch "DaySide with Linda Vester" weekdays at 1 p.m. ET