A War Stories Biography: Winston Churchill

Monday, January 26 at 3 a.m. ET
Hosted by Oliver North

His name personifies leadership. Even today, more than four decades after his death, he still sets the benchmark for politicians in a time of crisis. He is Sir Winston Churchill. Although one of Britain’s most famous citizens, did you know his mother, Jennie Jerome, was born in Brooklyn?

Churchill is probably best known for standing up to Adolf Hitler. In his nation’s bleakest days, he served as a beacon of hope. With all of continental Europe under Nazi control and Britain besieged, his powerful words raised the spirits of a frightened people. Churchill didn't just rally them for the fight; he made them believe victory would be theirs. And it was!

In this special biography episode of "War Stories With Oliver North," we will give you an intimate look at what drove this remarkable man. Through interviews with several of Churchill’s grandchildren, you will learn how his American roots shaped the man's personal life.

"War Stories" traveled 18,000 miles to track down one of the few surviving members of Churchill's inner WWII staff, Elizabeth Nel. Her secretarial duties required her to spend countless hours alone with Winston. Through her vivid memories and detailed recollections, Elizabeth shares stories from the famous WWII conferences — Tehran, Moscow and Casablanca.

Witness for yourself how Churchill's public life, which spanned more than 50 years, was a dramatic combination of success and failure, of triumph and tragedy.

Staff for this episode:

Executive Producer: Pamela K. Browne

Written and Produced by Steven Tierney and Martin Hinton

Senior Producer: Martin Hinton

Editor: Josh Parker

Opening Animation: Brian Byrne