A Coup?

PBS host Bill Moyers (search) took a swipe at our own Sean Hannity (search) the other night, saying about Sean’s radio show: “I’ve never heard such vile and bigotry and belligerence as I heard. He [Sean Hannity] doesn’t want any civil discourse.”

So what’s Bill Moyers’s idea of civil discourse? How about charging President Bush and his supporters with plotting a coup. That’s right, a coup d’etat.

Check out this exchange between Bill Moyers and fellow PBS (search) host Charlie Rose on election night:

BILL MOYERS: “I think if Kerry were to win this in a — in a tight race, I think there’d be an effort to mount a coup, quite frankly.”

An astonished CHARLIE ROSE chimed in: “What do you mean by a coup?”

BILL MOYERS: “I mean that the right wing is not going to accept it [a Kerry win].”
Of course, Bill Moyers, this self-proclaimed champion of civil discourse, is the same political operative who came up with the 1964 political ad suggesting that a vote for Barry Goldwater (search) would lead to nuclear holocaust.

Civil discourse will continue in this country. But don’t expect much of it from Bill Moyers.

And that’s the Asman Observer.

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