White House work orders show infiltration of mice, roaches

Work orders from the White House include requests to take care of mice, ants and cockroaches. (iStock)

There’s a mouse in the White House.

Maintenance workers were requested to take care of mice in the Situation Room and the White House Navy mess food service area over the past two years, according to work orders obtained by WRC-TV.

There were also reports of ants in the White House chief of staff’s office and cockroach infestations on the grounds, WRC reported.

Other work orders include requests for furniture, a new toilet seat in the Oval Office, pictures to be hung and heating system repairs, among others. An influx of work orders were made shortly after President Trump’s inauguration.

So far, the work orders submitted in 2017 are similar to those that were submitted during the Obama administration in 2016, according to WRC.

“They are old buildings. Any of us who have old houses know old houses need a lot of work,” former GSA Inspector General Brian Miller told WRC.

Much of the work completed is contracted out and overseen by the Public Building Service. Some of the contractors include “small disadvantaged business contractors” which can include those operated by lower-income people.

The General Services Administration estimates that it spends as much as $100,000 per year on White House repairs.

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