White House on Los Suns and Immigration

The White House won't say if immigration reform is going to get done this year, but White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs says President Obama will talk about immigration Wednesday night when the White House celebrates Cinco de Mayo.

While Gibbs acknowledges there's a lot on Obama's plate right now, he wouldn't say if the administration would punt immigration reform to a later date, perhaps even a second term if they were to even get back into office. Gibbs did talk in the daily press briefing about the need for bi-partisan immigration reform saying "This is not going to pass with a one party vote." Gibbs said Obama was asked to reach out to republicans, and he has, and the White House believes that has moved the process along.

Meanwhile, the Phoenix Suns who are currently playing in the NBA playoffs plan to don jerseys Wednesday night that will show their support for Hispanics in the state of Arizona. Phoenix Suns owner Robert Sarver said the team will wear "Los Suns" jerseys “to honor our Latino community and the diversity of our league, the state of Arizona, and our nation.”

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed one of the toughest laws against illegal immigration on April 23. The law requires police to stop anyone suspected of being an illegal immigration and has drawn criticism against the state from across the country, including from the President.