Where are the Democratic and Republican conventions in 2020 being held?

The pomp and circumstance of the Democratic and Republican national conventions are just a few short months away, and while the Democratic nominee is still to be determined, the sites for the conventions are all set.

As with previous years, both parties have chosen key battleground states in the hopes that holding their big festivities there will sway voters to their ticket come November.

Below is a rundown of the information for the Democratic and Republican conventions this summer.

Democratic National Convention

  • Where: Milwaukee, Wis.
  • When: Starts Aug. 17 
  • Why: Wisconsin is a perennial bellwether state and one that went to Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election after the Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, infamously failed to make a campaign stop there. Democrats hope to make up for this – and win back their crucial working-class, Midwest vote – by holding their convention in the state’s largest city this summer. The event was originally supposed to be held July 13-16, but the DNC announced in April that it was moving the convention until August due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Republican National Convention

  • Where: Charlotte, N.C. and Jacksonville, Fla.
  • When: Aug. 24-27
  • Why: Business aspects of the convention will still take place in North Carolina, but Jacksonville will host the celebratory aspects of the election-year affair. Charlotte was originally intended to solely host the convention, but the president and Republican officials were angered after Gov. Roy Cooper of North Carolina, a Democrat, said he wasn’t prepared to guarantee the RNC a full-fledged convention with an arena packed with party officials, delegates, and activists due to health concerns amid the coronavirus pandemic. A decision to hold most of the convention in Jacksonville was announced in June.
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