More than a ‘good photo op’ needed at Trump-Kim summit: Leslie Marshall

The expectations for President Trump are a lot higher as he meets with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un for their second summit, argued Democratic strategist Leslie Marshall.

The president and Kim are scheduled to have a two-day summit in Hanoi, Vietnam in hopes to have North Korea denuclearize and pursue peace in the Korean peninsula.


During the Fox News "Special Report All-Star Panel," Marshall, Fox News politics editor Chris Stirewalt, and “The Next Revolution” host Steve Hilton weighed in on the political stakes for Trump amid the summit.


Marshall told the panel that the “dealmaker” had a “good photo op and a bump in the polls” after the 2018 summit with Kim Jong Un in Singapore, but that “we can’t have that this time around” and predicted that this summit will only be a repeat.

“Dan Coats said, and I agree with him 100 percent, that Kim Jong Un needs to have the WMDs. That is his security blanket,” Marshall said. “Unless we are hard and push on full denuclearization, we are not taking baby steps toward our goal because in a sense, in this regard, Kim Jong Un is holding the cards and we’re not getting anywhere. What kind of a deal do we have? Really nothing and I fear that we will have that again.”

Steve Hilton expressed a bit more optimism, saying that the “process is the purpose” and that the fact that both nations are talking is a “positive result.”

“If any other president, whether Republican or Democrat, had got to this point by first getting China to participate in the pressure campaign and then to really reboot this relationship so that we’re talking rather than being on the brink of a nuclear catastrophe, they’d be hailed as a foreign policy genius,” Hilton argued.

Meanwhile, Stirewalt insisted that “time” was always on the side of the North Koreans and that part of this week’s summit is to entice Kim Jong Un with Vietnam’s thriving economy.

“The president’s promise to Kim is always, ‘C’mon, play ball with me and you’re gonna end up rich, your country’s gonna end up rich, and you’re gonna see quick growth.’ Whether or not that’s a real thing, I don’t know,” Stirewalt told the panel.

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