Virginia Gov. McAuliffe quashes rumors he'll run against Trump in 2020

Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a high-profile Democrat and Clinton family supporter, is an outspoken Donald Trump critic but said Sunday that he has “no intentions” of challenging the Republican president for the White House in 2020.

“I am going to finish up strong. I have no intentions of running against Donald Trump,” McAuliffe, whose term ends next year, told “Fox News Sunday.”

McAuliffe made the comment after sparring with Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, a Republican, over key points of Trump’s agenda.

“It’s not good for Virginia,” said McAuliffe, a first-time elected official who rose to national prominence as leader of the Democratic National Committee.

McAuliffe argued that Trump’s effort to reduce government -- including dismantling ObamaCare and ordering a hiring freeze on many federal jobs -- is hurting his state's economy.

“I’m not happy about the federal hiring freeze. I’m very concerned about health care,” said McAuliffe, who argued that an end to the 2010 health care law could cost Virginia millions in reimbursements.

I’m very concerned about how we do this going forward,” he said. “We at the state level have to incur costs.”

McAuliffe and Walker were in Washington, D.C., this weekend for the National Governors Association meeting.

Walker said he hoped Republicans in control of Congress and the White House have an ObamaCare plan that “goes beyond repeal and gets to replace.”

Walker, who spoke about the issue Saturday over lunch with Trump, struck a more universal tone than McAuliffe, saying the future of ObamaCare “is a concern we all have.”

Still, he suggested, like fellow fiscal conservatives, that the effort to provide health care for all Americans, particularly the most needy, is best done on the state level.

“Governors have said give us the tools,” Walker said. “Now is their chance to do it. All states are unique. We can make it work.”

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