VIDEO: What did Biden Whisper to Obama?

Those who listened carefully may have received a shock at what Vice President Joe Biden whispered to the President Obama as he took the podium before signing the health care reform bill into law on Tuesday in the White House East Room.  “This is a big f---ing deal” can be heard as the vice president is leaning in closely to the president after the introduction.

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs concurred with the Vice President by tweeting "And yes Mr. Vice President, you're right..."

Democratic House and Senate leaders and relevant committee chairmen stood behind the president as he signs the bill. The ceremony was also attended by Vicki Kennedy, widow of Massachusetts Senator Edward Kennedy, Connie Anderson, sister of cancer-survivor Natoma Canfield who went into debt paying for her health insurance premiums, Marcelas Owens whose mother died after getting sick,  losing her job and with it health insurance, and members of congress who voted for the legislation.

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