Usama bin Laden's killer turns Twitter wrath to 'awful' VA

The man credited with killing Usama bin Laden has turned his attention from storming compounds in Abbottabad, Pakistan, to tweet storms like the one he launched against a White House spokeswoman on Wednesday, criticizing Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Sanders for her defense of the Veterans Affairs Administration – and even making the fight personal.

O’Neill, a Fox News contributor, apparently got angry after Sanders, while castigating the media during a White House press briefing, lamented that reporters weren’t covering stories such as “the success at the VA.”

“I just heard @SarahHuckabee talk about “successes” at the VA. PLEASE explain and I would LOVE to debate you. VA is a damn insult to vets!!” O’Neill began the series of messages.

He added: “Following up to @SarahHuckabee on the VA… I’m a combat vet... killed UBL.. and I PAY FOR PRIVATE healthcare ..most vets CANT afford it!”

And: “insulted by @SarahHuckabee for praising the VA today. I bet you’ve never had your wallet stolen by STAFF while getting a CAT scan.I have!”


Then O’Neill implied that Sanders – whose father is former Arkansas Governor and current Fox News contributor Mike Huckabee – didn’t understand the plight of veterans who have to receive care at VA hospitals because of Sanders’ family connections.

“I want to invite @SarahHuckabee to go with me to ANY VA to see how awful they are. I’m sure daddy got you better healthcare..and that job!” he tweeted. “My beef is that the VA are the worst hospitals ANYWHERE. Don’t get up there and defend the ‘successes’. They suck. Thievery and bad people.”


But eventually O’Neill softened his tone towards Sanders.

“We agree on a lot of things. But her VA comment was laughable. She’s obviously never been to one. Happy to take her and show her,” he wrote.

O’Neill added: “OK, I was too hard on @SarahHuckabee but she should go pop in to the VA right up the street.. unannounced and see what a depressing dump!”

Sanders didn’t immediately respond to Fox News’ request for comment.

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