Twitter Nation: Which Latin American Leader Has the Most Followers?

Sept 4: Hugo Chávez may have the most Twitter followers out of any Latin American president but protests around the globe on this day in 2009 were organized online through Facebook and Twitter. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images) (2009 Getty Images)

Latin America's presidents are all atwitter when it comes to the popular real-time social network. But who's Twitter popularity has led them to have the most followers?

@ChavezCandanga himself, Venezuela's Hugo Chávez, wallops the pack with nearly two million followers (1,998,775 as of Wednesday), more than double the closest Latin American leader.

The region's Twitter champ has been undergoing chemotherapy to treat cancer. On Wednesday he tweeted the following in Spanish. "Here I go, I'm on my way to my third day of chemo. Everything is going well! I'll come out of this as well!"

Coming in second to Chávez is Mexico's President Felipe Calderón with over 950,000 followers.

The third most followers belong to Brazil's Dilma Rousseff, a somewhat surprising fact, seeing as how she has only been president since January 1. But Rousseff is a popular leader who has been in the public eye since she launched her campaign on June 13, 2010.

The battle for fourth sees Argentina's Cristina Fernández going against Chile's Sebastian Piñera. Fernandez edges him out 595,156 to 528,623.

Colombia's Juan Manuel Santos (383,696), Peru's new president Ollanta Humala (97,675) and Ecuador's Rafael Correa (71,028) round out the pack of leaders with verified Twitter accounts in the region.

Correa didn't do himself any favors in the popularity department when his lawsuit against a journalist who was critical of  the government led to a three-year jail sentence and international uproar over his actions.

And if Correa wants to catch up to any of the presidents ahead of him, he might want to follow more people back on Twitter. Right now he only follows two people.

Cristina Fernández and Hugo Chávez.

Contact Adrian Carrasquillo at or on Twitter @RealAdrianC.

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