Trump pinatas in demand as protestors gear up for California campaign stops

Protestors in Los Angeles are lining up to take a whack at Donald Trump.

Trump held an emotionally charged press conference in Los Angeles Friday night with families of victims of illegal immigrants, who shared their heart-wrenching stories.

The business mogul used the event to reiterate previous remarks about illegal immigrants that had sparked controversy.

When asked if he would apologize, Trump was defiant:

“There's no reason to apologize for a statement that is so right.”

He also noted his recent spike in support in many polls, some of which show Trump either top or a close second among Republican 2016 candidates.

“I must be doing something right I'm number one in the polls. These people behind me understand that.”

The outspoken Republican presidential hopeful has come under fire for controversial comments he made about illegal Mexican immigrants – calling them criminals and “rapists.” In turn, several immigration rights groups have staged protests at places Trump has campaigned.

In Los Angeles, CHIRLA Action Fund program director Diana Colin said her group is planning to give him “an unpleasant welcome” when he attends a gathering of Hollywood conservatives Friday night at the Luxe Sunset Boulevard Hotel.

One problem some groups say is that demonstrators are having a tough time getting their hands on piñatas made to look like Trump. The cardboard and paper mache versions of the media mogul are selling out everywhere.

If Colin does track some down, she told a local L.A. television station her group will “fill them up with trash” because “that’s all that seems to come out of his mouth lately is trash.”

The Trump piñata is the brainchild of Dalton Avalos Ramirez - an artist who lives and works in Mexico. Ramirez recently told Fox News Latino that he created the Trump piñata after hearing his presidential kickoff speech in which the multimillionaire accused Mexico of illegally sending criminals and drugs across the border.

Ramirez says his most basic Trump pinata sells for 500 pesos, or about $40. He is in talks for a bulk order of 50 Trumps from a customer in Texas.

Trump’s June 16 rant also cost him lucrative business deals with Macy’s, NBC and NASCAR. In addition, it has led to New York Mayor Bill de Blasio ordering a review of Trump’s city contracts.

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