Trump goes after Fed Reserve's Yellen, claims she's 'more political' than Clinton

Sept. 26, 2016: Presidential nominees Donald Trump (R) and Hillary Clinton (R) at first presidential debate, Hofstra University, Hempstead, N.Y. (REUTERS)

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump pulled Federal Reserve head Janet Yellen into Monday night's presidential debate, claiming she’s holding down interest rates to keep the economy humming while President Obama remains in office.

He also called her “more political” than Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.

“We have a Fed that’s doing political thing -- this Janet Yellen of the Fed -- by keeping interest rates at this level,” Trump said. “The day Obama goes off … playing golf for the rest of his life, when they raise interest rates, you are going to see some bad things happen.”

It was not the first time that Trump, a wealthy businessman, has come after Yellen and the Reserve about rates.

Last week, Yellen, the Reserve’s chairman, told reporters that “partisan politics play no role in our decisions” about setting short-term rates.

“We are in a very big, ugly bubble,” Trump said Monday. “The Fed is not doing its job. The Fed is being is more political than Hillary Clinton.”

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