The Day Ahead: January 19, 2010

President Obama heads to Falls Church, Virginia, this morning where he will visit and talk with 6th grade students at Graham Road Elementary School as well as make remarks on his latest education initiatives.  Later, he has a series of closed meetings at the White House.

Be sure to watch part 2 of Senior White House Correspondent Major Garrett's series on the President and his first year in office tonight on 'Special Report with Bret Baier.'

Keep reading for the President's full public schedule.

9:00AM     The President receives the Presidential Daily Briefing

10:00AM   The President and Secretary Duncan hold discussion with 6th grade students

10:25AM    The President delivers remarks on Race to the Top

11:30AM     The President meets with Senator Voinovich

12:30PM     The President and the VI ice President have lunch

1:30PM       The President receives the Economic Daily Briefing

4:25PM       The President meets with senior advisors