Tancredo Campaign to Maes: 'No Justification' for Campaign Payments to Family

Colorado gubernatorial candidates Tom Tancredo, left, American Constitution Party, Democrat John Hickenlooper, center, and Republican Dan Maes exchange hand shakes after a forum in Denver on Oct. 15. (AP Photo)

Tom Tancredo's insurgent campaign for Colorado governor renewed its call for Republican Dan Maes to drop out of the race Wednesday, following a report that Maes directed nearly a quarter of his campaign account back to him and his family.

The Denver Post reported that of the $304,000 Maes raised, more than $71,000 went to reimburse his family for expenses ranging from work hours to mileage to food.

Bay Buchanan, Tancredo's campaign manager, said that amount is unfathomable.

"People keep asking why is it that Dan Maes doesn't get out of the race," she told FoxNews.com. "It's clear from this article that the reason is he's living off the campaign."

But Buchanan said it's long past time for Maes to bow out.

"If he truly says he is a conservative, he should get out of the race. He cannot win," she said.

Tancredo is running as the American Constitution Party candidate and since entering the race has sailed past Maes in the polls. The latest Fox News poll showed Democratic nominee John Hickenlooper leading with 45 percent, Tancredo slightly behind with 40 percent and Maes trailing at 10 percent.

Maes, who could not be reached for comment by FoxNews.com, told the Denver Post that the reason so much money went back to his family was because his campaign doesn't have a credit card account. He said the reimbursements were for expenses paid with personal checks and cash -- mostly mileage. About $14,000 also went to his daughter, who works as an aide, the Post reported.

By comparison, Hickenlooper did not reimburse himself for any expenses. Tancredo paid himself close to $4,000, according to the Post.

Buchanan said those were incidental expenses like travel. She said Tancredo's campaign has a credit card only for emergency situations, not for general use, and questioned how Maes could have spent so much money on mileage.

"There's no justification," she said. "You cannot drive enough to get $70,000."

Maes has previously rejected suggestions that he get out of the race, even when Tancredo offered to bow out with him. The Republican nominee has raised far less than his competitors. According to the Post, Hickenlooper has pulled in $3.7 million, and Tancredo has raised over $680,000.

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