Tale of the Tape: Trump, Clinton release medical records – will it quell health debate?

The test results are in – but the release of new medical details on Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump is unlikely to stop the jabs between the two camps about each other’s fitness for office.

As Trump released the results of his physical on Thursday, following a new letter from Clinton’s doctor a day earlier, both candidates tried to settle questions about their personal health.

Those questions have stemmed in part from the candidates’ ages; Trump is 70 and Clinton is 68. The Democratic nominee’s health drew intense attention, though, after she was seen stumbling away from a 9/11 memorial event Sunday – and then dropped off the campaign trail for three days to recover from what the campaign revealed was a bout of pneumonia.

As Clinton returned to the campaign trail Thursday, she assured she’s feeling better.

“It’s great to be back on the campaign trail,” she told voters in Greensboro, N.C.

Discussing his own medical details in an interview broadcast Thursday on "The Dr. Oz Show,” Trump said he sees a much younger man when he looks in the mirror.

"I would say I see a person that's 35 years old,” Trump said.


But if anything, Clinton’s health scare on Sunday has made fitness for office a campaign issue unlikely to go away.

Even Trump is grappling with a new narrative being pushed by Democrats that he’s too overweight. Earlier this week, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said Trump is not “slim and trim.”

Ex-Obama campaign manager David Plouffe told MSNBC Trump would be the “heaviest president we’ve had, candidate we’ve had, since William Taft. There’s a legitimate issue.”

Trump is listed as 6 feet, 3 inches tall and weighing 236 pounds, which makes him overweight for his height.

Trump acknowledged Thursday he would like to lose 15 pounds.

However, Clinton did not include her weight and height in any medical summary, so the candidates cannot be directly compared on those grounds.

But there are plenty of other details for voters to look at.

In some ways, the results they provided to the public are similar.

Trump has a cholesterol level of 169, while Clinton had a total level of 189. In terms of high-density lipoproteins (HDL), Clinton was at 56 and Trump’s “good” cholesterol was at 63.

Their levels of bad cholesterol were similar with Clinton at 103 and Trump at 94.

Trump’s blood pressure rate is 116 over 70, compared with Clinton’s rate of 100 over 70.

Trump takes a cholesterol-lowering drug and a “low dose aspirin.” Currently, Clinton is taking thyroid medication as well as a 10-day course of Levaquin, an antibiotic used to treat infections.

Clinton’s update came in the form of a letter from her physician, Dr. Lisa Bardack.

Trump’s longtime doctor Harold N. Bornstein provided a summary of the GOP nominee’s status.

Clinton has long faced questions about her health, in the wake of her 2012 concussion. Trump has questioned her “stamina” and did so again at a rally on Wednesday, when he asked the crowd whether she would be able to stand up there as long as he was.

His campaign also jabbed that Trump “has the stamina to endure — uninterrupted — the rigors of a punishing and unprecedented presidential campaign,” when it released his records.

The Clinton campaign, meanwhile, has gone on the offense charging Trump is hiding something from the public.

Her campaign manager, Robby Mook, said in a statement that Trump’s “Doctor Oz charade is as completely unserious as his original joke of a letter written in five minutes.”

Clinton told radio host Tom Joyner on Thursday her level of disclosure exceeds the standard of other presidential candidates, including President Obama and Mitt Romney, and “very shortly” more would be released.

“I think the real questions need to be directed to Donald Trump and his failure to meet even the most minimalistic standards that we expect of someone being the nominee of our two major parties,” added Clinton.

Some analysts suggest the chatter over candidate health will pass.

“I don't think health is as big a challenge for her as stealth. She is a relentless, indefatigable person, I can attest to that. But the concern's that people have run to the other thing, and they ended up creating a bigger story than the one they were trying to avoid,” former Obama aide David Axelrod told NPR.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.