Submit Your Questions: Fox News’ Bret Baier to Interview President Obama

President Obama will be sitting down with Fox News’ Bret Baier for an exclusive one-on-one interview Wednesday.

Baier will talk to the president about the latest on Obama's top domestic priority, health care legislation, and also other issues facing the administration. This is Baier’s first interview with the president.

"Obviously they have a pretty big audience share and I think it's safe to say that - a lot of members that are undecided are going to be - they watch and their constituents watch this news, White House Press Secretary Gibbs said in response to a question by New York Times reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg.

"So we're happy to continue the argument of why health care reform is important on Fox," he added.

Stolberg followed up asking if they think he will be able to change the minds of people who watch Fox News, "It's certainly worth a shot," Gibbs responded.

Do you have a question you think Baier should ask? Email your ideas to   Baier plans to bring in 2-3 questions from viewers and readers into the interview.

For more information visit the Special Report website.  You can watch the whole interview in its entirety on Special Report with Bret Baier at 6p.m. ET Wednesday.