Strickland Welcomes Obama, Kasich Plays to Hometown Crowd

Perhaps no other state has received the amount of devotion the White House has shown Ohio.

President Obama paid his twelfth visit to the Buckeye State today since the American people voted him into office. The Cleveland State University appearance marked the final major rally headlined by the President in the waning days before voters head to the polls across the country in mid-term elections that could significantly change the balance of power in Congress and the Obama administration's ability to advance key initiatives.

Ohio helped send Mr. Obama to the White House in 2008 but his name will not be at the top of the ticket this Tuesday. Addressing the crowd filled with many young voters, a demographic that played a key role in Mr. Obama's presidential campaign strategy, he urged supporters to get to the polls and vote for incumbent Democratic Gov. Ted Strickland and other down-ticket Democrats battling to hold seats in a year when Republicans are predicting heavy turnout.

"If everyone who fought for change in 2008 shows up to vote in 2010 we will win this election," said Obama.

"I want to you to remember this. Don't let anybody tell you this fight isn't worth it," said Mr. Obama.

Republican challenger John Kasich has worked throughout the course of the campaign to link the agendas of President Obama and Governor Strickland together. He believes the race is a referendum on both men.

"Barack Obama and Ted Strickland have the same policies. It's big government. It's high taxes. It's Obamacare- one size fits all and shove it down local people's throats," said Kasich at a campaign stop in Lebanon.

Ohio has long played a critical roll in presidential elections and Kasich sees Obama's many visits here as a sign the President is looking ahead to 2012.

"Obama's here because he's running for reelection and I'm just running for governor," said Kasich who noted former President Clinton and Vice President Obama have also made appearances in the state. "I'm just a mailman's son and... you know what? When I win it's going to be so sweet."

Governor Strickland has confidence he'll hold on to his seat telling voters at today's Cleveland rally "When all the votes have been counted, Ohio will remain a blue state."