State of the Union: The Supremes

Supreme Court Justices

As people file into the House Chamber tonight, the newest Supreme Court justice, Justice Sonia Sotomayor will make her first appearance at a State of the Union. Joining her tonight:

Chief Justice of the United States John Roberts

Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy

Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Associate Justice Stephen Breyer

Associate Justice Samuel Alito

Those not expected to be in attendance tonight:

Associate Justice John Paul Stevens

Associate Justice Antonin Scalia

Associate Justice Clarence Thomas

Supreme Court reporter Shannon Bream and producer Lee Ross report that attendance at State of the Union by the Justices is optional.

The Court is in a small recess now and given that the Justices plan their schedules months in advance, they may not have been able to change their plans, even if they wanted to attend due to other obligations.