Sen. Vitter: Democrats 'determined' to protect the political elite from ObamaCare costs

GOP Sen. David Vitter says the White House and Democratic leaders are determined to protect the political elite from ObamaCare costs, telling Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren that’s the reason he and GOP Rep. Ron deSantis' amendments that would end subsidies for lawmakers under the health law have been opposed.

Vitter, who is mounting a campaign to get rid of the subsidies in the Senate, said on "On the Record" he believes Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid would resist and try to squash his amendment if it was attached to a budget deal.

“President Obama went so far as to issue a personal veto about this language today,” Vitter said. “It’s amazing to me and it makes it very clear how determined they are to protect the political elite in Washington.”

DeSantis’ amendment, which would have forced Congress, the president, and many other administration officials onto ObamaCare without additional subsidies, was attached to a revised budget proposal that the House abruptly chose not to take up Tuesday night after failing to gain the necessary support.

 “I think quite frankly our amendment causes people to not want to support it because members are going to have to pay more and there are people on our side and the Democratic side who don’t like that,” deSantis said “I think that it’s helpful in terms of the fight against ObamaCare because if you have a statute that imposes burdens on society and then the politically connected can get delays, waivers or what have you, then it makes it more difficult to address the problems with the law.”

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