Schock's Photo Shocks Some Back Home in Illinois

How is Illinois Republican Rep. Aaron Schock's recent bare-chested cover photo on Men's Health magazine playing at home in Peoria? One local Republican says not terribly well.

Rudy Lewis, Peoria County GOP chairman says "It probably wasn't the best thing he [Schock] could have done."

Lewis makes it clear he has only heard the open shirt photo of the Congressman, adding that Schock should have used "more discretion, but that's Aaron."

Shock is an exercise enthusiast and has been called "America's Fittest Congressman." He has used that notoriety to push an exercise platform to the constituents in his district which is reportedly 26 percent obese.

He met with several GOP County chairmen on Saturday to discuss a host of issues, but the cover photo was not one of them.

Lewis notes that among Schock supporters in the 18th Congressional District are Apostolic Christians and therefore, Schock should be mindful of how bare-chested pictures of a sitting congressman might play to such conservative groups.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee wasted no time using the magazine cover to take a shot at Schock's stance on the House budget bill, saying he has "exposed everything, but his drastic plans to end Medicare." The group created a mock magazine cover featuring the photo and asking "Who needs Medicare when you've got abs like these?"

Fox News producer Wes Barrett contributed to this report.