Santorum campaign's 1st ad attacks Cruz

While presidential campaign ads have been hitting the airwaves for months, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum is out with his first – and is using it to attack Iowa front-runner Sen. Ted Cruz.

The ad, which will air on network, cable and digital platforms in Iowa beginning Monday, starts with a clip of the Texas senator reading a Dr. Seuss classic, "Green Eggs And Ham," on the Senate floor, which he did during a filibuster-like speech opposing ObamaCare in 2013.

"You want someone to read one helluva bedtime story, Ted Cruz is your guy," a narrator says. "If you want to protect America, and defeat ISIS, Rick Santorum’s your president. Because serious times need serious people."


FairyTales from Santorum for President 2016 on Vimeo.

This comes as Cruz is set to embark on an ambitious bus tour in Iowa where he plans to visit 36 Iowa counties in six days.

GOP front-runner Donald Trump also unveiled his first television ad Monday.

Fox News' Serafin Gomez contributed to this report.

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