Romney Outraised Obama in July

For the third month in a row, Mitt Romney has outraised President Obama in fundraising. Governor Romney raked in $101.3 million for the month while Obama trailed with over $75 million, according to both campaigns.

This is the second month in a row the presumptive Republican candidate has surpassed the $100 million mark - he raised more than $106 million in June, shattering the previous GOP record. The money is split between the Romney campaign, Romney Victory, and the Republican National Committee.

The Obama campaign along with the Democratic National Committee will split their earnings, touting 761,000 donors for the month with over 200,000 contributions from new donors who did not contribute to the president's campaign this cycle or in 2008.

Romney and the RNC now have $185.9 million cash on hand. The Obama team has not released their available funds. "Once again we see that for many people, this is more than a campaign, it is a cause," Romney Victory National Finance Chairman Spencer Zwick said in a statement. "We are honored to have the support of a broad spectrum of donors-Independents, Democrats and Republicans-whose support of Governor Romney shows that he has the needed plan to jumpstart our economy and get the country on the right track again."

According to the Romney campaign, 94.13% of donations were less than $250 dollars, bringing in $25.7 million of the total number. Donations came from all 50 states and Washington, DC. The Obama campaign says their average donation for July was $53.49 with 98% of contributions of $250 or less.

Fox News White House Producer Sarah Courtney contributed to this report.