RNC: Comey remarks prove Trump ‘right’ about FBI not investigating him

The Republican National Committee says former FBI Director James Comey’s prepared Senate testimony released Wednesday proves President Trump was “right” about not being personally investigated by the FBI in its Russia investigation.

"President Trump was right. Director Comey’s statement reconfirmed what the president has been saying all along -- he was never under investigation,” said RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel.

Comey says in the prepared opening remarks that he first told then-President-elect Trump during a Jan. 9 meeting that he was not being personally investigated in the agency’s probe into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia during the 2016 White House race.

Some Trump critics have argued since essentially Election Day 2016 that Trump was directly involved in any collusion, even suggesting he worked directly with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The former FBI director, fired last month by Trump for what he says was Comey “not doing a good job,” will testify Thursday before the Senate Intelligence Committee.

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