
Ben Carson, who is acting as a surrogate for Donald Trump, indicated last week that Trump is considering John Kasich, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Chris Christie, and Sarah Palin to be his running mate, according to a new report in the Washington Post.

Carson, in the presence of the Post reporter, had just been informed of a poll naming him the best liked among a group of potential Trump vice presidential selections. Carson asked who else was on the list in the poll. When informed that Kasich, Rubio, Cruz, Palin and Christie were the most favorably regarded after himself, Carson said, "Those are all people on our list."

Carson told the reporter that he wanted no role in a Trump administration. And he was reminded by his wife, who was also present, that he was not on Trump's running mate list.

Reportedly, Carson is an advisor to Trump on a vice presidential search effort that is being led by campaign manager Corey Lewandowski.

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