Race for WH Turns to CT, DE, MD, PA and RI

New York’s primary looking increasingly like it was a big turning point in the race for the White House though no one is dropping out at least so far.. as we look ahead to next Tuesday’s big primaries in Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island.

Donald Trump tweeted this morning that both Ted Cruz and John Kasich should get out of the race.

Donald Trump says he’s becoming a more traditional candidate, but in a big speech yesterday, Donald Trump was back to calling Ted Cruz “Lyin’ Ted” and Hillary Clinton “crooked Hillary.” The WSJ says Trump has hired a speech writer, and will give his first official policy speech next week. The New York Times reporting today that he’s softening his tone, but the comments last night contradicted that reporting.

The Washington Post on their front page today suggesting the possibility of a Clinton/Warren ticket.

He’s having a Town Hall this morning on the Today show.

Hillary Clinton will be on Good Morning America answering questions from viewers/voters.

Bernie Sanders is seeing increasing pressure to get out of the race or at least change his negative attacks on Hillary Clinton. So far, the Sanders campaign doesn’t show any sign of getting out. They say they are staying in to the end. His campaign manager says they are not going to take their foot off the gas.

New polling out of Delaware, Pennsylvania, and Maryland show Hillary Clinton with strong leads over Sanders in the upcoming battles. She leads Sanders by 13 in PA. in Delaware, recent polls have Hillary up by 7. In Maryland, Hillary has a 25 point lead.

The New York Times writes today:

“Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont grappled with tough and narrowing choices about campaign strategy and fund-raising on Wednesday after his crushing loss in the New York primary and a series of difficult contests ahead.

While Hillary Clinton's campaign carefully avoided any suggestion that he quit the Democratic presidential race, many of her prominent supporters argued that the moment had come for Mr. Sanders to ease off attacks for the good of Democrats in the November election.

Mr. Sanders, who took the day off to rest and regroup with his advisers, is under intense pressure to win the Pennsylvania primary on Tuesday or fall even further behind Mrs. Clinton's sizable lead in pledged delegates needed to capture the nomination. A new Pennsylvania poll put Mr. Sanders 13 percentage points behind Mrs. Clinton, despite heavy spending by the Sanders campaign on television advertisements. Another loss could hamper his formidable fund-raising, which Sanders advisers described as steady but not as strong as it could have been with a New York victory.”

A Wall Street Journal editorial today is calling for Kasich and Cruz to team up to stop Donald Trump.

Karl Rove says in a Wall Street Journal op-ed today that Donald Trump’s threat to run as an independent is empty.

Hillary Clinton and Ted Cruz are reportedly best-prepared for the race at least by the measure of money in the bank.

President Obama is wrapping up a trip to Saudi Arabia as challenging relations with the U.S. ally have taken center stage. The President reportedly got a snub at the airport, but meetings went on as scheduled.

President Obama heads for London where he’s involved in another crisis.. the possible UK exit from the European Union.

Three killed and dozens hurt in an energy plant explosion in Mexico.

Despite being under impeachment threat, Brazil’s president is heading to the UN this week in a show of force.

Queen Elizabeth II is celebrating her 90th birthday today. She is England’s longest-serving king or queen.

As the markets continue to trade at record highs, we get several key tech earnings reports today. So far, many earnings reports have been disappointing. We also get jobs numbers today.

For more news, follow me on Twitter: @ClintPHenderson

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