President Obama Gets his Olympics Fix Where & When He Can

President Obama is an ardent fan of the Winter Olympic games, watching whenever he can.  White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs told reporters in Friday’s briefing he too has Olympic fever even if he doesn’t understand what he’s watching.

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That double-or-nothing bet that Robert Gibbs has on the hockey game is with his Canadian counterpart, Dimitri Soudas.  The two press secretaries are engaging in a gentlemen’s bet on the gold medal round of Olympic hockey games.  Loser has to wear the other country’s Team jersey during their next press appearance.  Gibbs lost the first bet to Soudas on Thursday night’s USA vs. Canada Women’s Hockey gold medal game, when the Olympic home country beat USA 2-0.  But Gibbs decided the bet wasn’t over yet and decided to double-down on men’s gold.

If Canada wins.  Gibbs will wear a Team Canada jersey during his next press gaggle.  And if the US wins, Soudas, Prime Minister Stephen Harper's Press Secretary, will wear Team USA jersey during his next briefing on day Parliament comes back on March 3.  Team USA has advanced to the gold medal men’s hockey round.  Canada battles Slovakia for the other gold medal round slot Friday night at 9:30pm est.

Fox News Senior White House Correspondent Major Garrett contributed to this report.