Perry Knocks Opponents on Tax Plans

Now that he's unveiled his own flat tax plan, Texas Governor Rick Perry (R) is hitting his opponents on their economic proposals.

"Let me visit with you about Herman's plan," Perry said of the Georgia businessman and his famous 9-9-9 tax plan.

"This doesn't have a VAT tax, a value added tax, and it doesn't have a national sales tax," Perry said of his own "Cut, Balance & Grow" tax plan, holding an index card that he says will contain the entire form.

The Texas governor says Americans are looking for the most simplified tax plan possible. Cain's 9-9-9 plan has already undergone revisions and faces increasing criticism from conservatives. Perry says his plan is the way to go.

Unveiling his flat tax early Tuesday, Perry knocked Mitt Romney's tax overhaul as more of the same. "Others simply offer these microwave plans with warmed over reforms based on current ingredients," said Perry of the former Massachusetts governor's ideas.

Perry has sunk in the national polls of late. The most recent CBS/NYT national poll shows Herman Cain with the lead at 25%, Romney behind him with 21% and Perry down to 6%. The Texas governor says he's always been an underdog, getting into the race later than his opponents. With the framework of his tax plan now laid out, he's going on offense to makeup ground.

"We're talking about having a balanced budget by 2020 and this plan does that," Perry told reporters Wednesday. "We'll be releasing a report on how we get that done."

When and how that report might be released by the Perry campaign is yet to be seen.