Pawlenty Announces His Money Team

Republican Tim Pawlenty's exploratory committee has announced the key players who will make up Pawlenty's national finance team.  The announcement comes as Pawlenty's team gears up for a major-donor fundraising effort. "We only raised a little seed money in March; the fundraising effort will begin in earnest in April," one Pawlenty advisor said.

Pawlenty's new finance consulting team includes 13 women, two men and one financial consultant group, all with impressive fundraising credentials. Several on the list have experience working with Presidential campaigns including 2008 GOP Presidential candidates, John McCain and Mitt Romney.

At the top of the list is National Finance Director, Brian Haley, who most recently served as the National Finance Director for Pawlenty's PAC, Freedom First. Haley also helped develop the national finance strategy for the McCain-Palin ticket in 2008.

Serving as Pawlenty's Deputy National Finance Director is Katie McBreen, who worked for Senator Jerry Moran and Mitt Romney's presidential campaign.

Heading up fundraising in Pawlenty's home state of Minnesota is Trisha Hamm, who worked as the finance coordinator and political director of Pawlenty's campaign for Minnesota Governor and later was the finance director for his PAC.

The names listed below round out the rest of Pawlenty's fundraising team.

Chrissy Schere, Associate Finance Director

Andrea Evans, Finance Consultant, Arizona

Paige Lance Hahn, Senior Finance Consultant, Mid-Altanta region

Ann Herberger, Senior Finance Consultant, National Outreach

Pam Kinsey, Senior Finance Consultant, Midwest Region

Paige Marriott, Senior Financial Consultant, National Fundraising

Alison McIntosh, Senior Finance Consultant, Texas

Rick Nelson, Finance Consultant, Minnesota and National Outreach

Gretchen Picotte, Senior Finance Consultant, Florida

The Starboard Group, Finance Consultants, Colorado

Cassandra Vandenberg, Senior Finance Consultant, California

Shanna Woodbury, Finance Consultant, Minnesota and National Outreach

Sue Walden, Finance Consultant, Texas