Paul Ryan for President in 2012?

Just when it looked like the GOP Presidential field was finally taking shape, there is speculation that another big name may be joining the fray.

Stephen Hayes reports in the WEEKLY STANDARD that Congressman Paul Ryan, R-Wis., is "strongly considering a run for president," and has been quietly meeting with political strategists over the past three months to discuss a possible White House bid. Hayes also writes that Ryan is presently on vacation in Colorado where he is discussing the subject with his family.

The House Budget Committee Chairman's Press Secretary Kevin Seifert tells Fox News: "While grateful for the continued support and encouragement, Congressman Ryan has not changed his mind."

Monday night, Fox News Contributor Karl Rove was on FOX News with Sean Hannity and said of the Republican 2012 field, "I think (New Jersey Governor) Chris Christie and Paul Ryan are going to look at it again ... I'm starting to pick up some sort of vibrations that ... Christie and Ryan [are telling] the people who are calling them, 'You know what, I owe it to you, I'll take a look at it.'"

On August 7th, Chris Wallace on FOX NEWS SUNDAY asked Ryan about 2012, and he responded, "My answer is still no....My answer is still the same as it always has been the last time you asked me."

But with almost six months until the first votes are cast in the Iowa Caucuses, there is still time if Ryan chooses to move forward.