Obama’s Weekly Address: “All-of-the-Above” Energy Plan Includes Transportation Bill

After a multi-state "energy tour" and one day after the two year anniversary of the Affordable Care Act, President Obama continued to push his "all of the above" energy plan.

But this time arguing that the key to attracting clean energy industries to the United States is investing in the nation's transportation and communication infrastructure, "so that any company can move goods and sell products all around the world as quickly and efficiently as possible."

The president explained investing in transportation infrastructure is not just overdue but essential for the nation's economy.

"So much of America needs to be rebuilt right now. We've got crumbling roads and bridges. A power grid that wastes too much energy. An incomplete high-speed broadband network. And we've got thousands of unemployed construction workers who've been looking for a job ever since the housing market collapsed."

After the Senate passed a bipartisan transportation bill, the president released a statement earlier this week urging the House of Representatives to do the same. But with the March 31 deadline looming, the House and Senate are marching towards a showdown next week that could result in a freeze on transportation projects.

"The Senate did their part... Now it's up to the House to follow suit; to put aside partisan posturing, end the gridlock, and do what's right for the American People."

Obama reiterates his support for the 2-year $109 billion bipartisan bill that passed in the Senate. House Republicans have prepared a 90-day extension as a fall back plan in order to buy time to line up votes, after many members balked at the 5-year $209 billion dollar price tag of the house bill.
