Obama's Popularity Plummets in Ohio as Residents Express Impatience

Patience may be wearing thin for President Obama's economic initiatives to produce results -- at least in Ohio -- as a new poll shows the president's popularity plunging in that critical swing state.

The president's approval ratings from Ohio voters dropped from 62 percent in May to 49 percent this month in a new Quinnipiac University poll,  making it the first state in which Obama's job approval has dipped below 50 percent.

Unemployment in Ohio, at 10.8 percent, is well above the national average, and that appears to be having an impact on Buckeye residents.

"Early in the election period, people were very excited about the prospect of dramatic change and I think they were desperate for something different," said Karina Horton. "But now we are in the midst of this change -- it's a little more scary than they were ready for and I sense a noticeable shift with friends and co-workers' opinions about President Obama."

Others suggest that the Obama administration's actions don't match its words.

"Seeing a lot of words come out, lot of promises and I'm trying to do this or trying to do that but I'm not actually seeing it happen," Kathy Hartman said.

But some voters aren't ready to give up on the president just yet.

"Progress isn't fast. It's slow," Michael Gehrig said. "It could take two, three years. People are impatient."

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"I'm not losing no patience," said Eddie Brock. "I'm going to keep plugging away and plugging away because I have to, because no one is going to do it for me."

Still, some suggest Obama will need to continue selling his policies.

"There's a lot of spending happening and not much growth to show for it at this point," Horton said.

Across town, Vice President Biden was the giving the administration's sale pitch, urging Ohio residents to be patient.

Biden's message is that money from the $787 billion stimulus package is being spent in the state, and there's more work to be done.

"Remember, we're only 140 days into this deal," he said. "It is supposed to take 18 months."

But the political reality for the Obama administration is that Ohio is a microcosm for middle America. Republicans, like House Minority Leader John Boehner, who is from Ohio, have attacked the administration's policies as "job killers."

"People want their jobs," Boehner said. "They want to see the economy moving again and they don't see anything happening."

Another concern expressed by Ohio voters was the price tag of government spending right now and who will ultimately pay the bill.

"Not very optimistic at this point," Hartman said.

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