Obama's address on 'new phase' of war on global terror met by criticism from GOP

President Obama's Sunday prime time address on the "new phase" of global terror and America's response was sharply criticized by Republican lawmakers.

"There's a growing sense that we have a president who is overwhelmed," said GOP presidential candidate and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio. "Nothing that appeared in that speech tonight is going to assuage people's fears."

Obama advisers and Democratic lawmakers, particularly those facing re-election next year, purportedly have wanted the president to get ahead of the issue since the deadly Nov. 13 attacks in Paris and Wednesday's fatal shootings in San Bernardino, Calif., in which 14 people were killed.

Both attacks were carried out or inspired by the ISIS terror group.

After the speech, fellow Democrats largely praised Obama's address, in which he expressed confidence in the military defeat of ISIS.

"Tonight, President Obama was resolute and strong," said House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. "The United States will not yield to terror."

Virginia Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine said that Obama "laid out a comprehensive strategy" and that the president "unequivocally" called on Congress to authorize the use of military force against ISIS, which he said he would support.

House Speaker Paul Ryan said defeating ISIS will require a comprehensive strategy, which the president failed to define.

"What we heard tonight was so disappointing: No new plan, just a half-hearted attempt to defend and distract from a failing policy," the Wisconsin Republican said.

GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson called Obama's speech "strange" and said that the president appeared to suggest that the San Bernardino attack was "proof" that his policies are working.