ObamaCare wooing 'young invincibles'

ObamaCare sales reps have a bullseye on the backs of young adults who don’t think anything bad can happen to them.

The ObamaCare sign-up deadline is a week away – and insurance marketplaces are cranking up the pressure for the holiday season to lure the so-called “young invincible” crowd to get covered.

Boots on the ground at malls and stores urged consumers this weekend to buy, buy, buy ObamaCare.. And that is making some holiday shoppers, including former Herman Cain presidential campaign spokeswoman Ellen Carmichael, mad, mad, mad.

Carmichael tells me volunteers were handing out T-shirts Saturday at Pentagon City Mall in Virginia with the phrase “young invincible.” In nearby D.C., the healthcare coverage push was on at  Footlocker stores selling  Nike’s exclusive Air Jordan 12 “Taxi” sneakers.

D.C. insurance marketplace representative Vanessa Brooks told Fox News “My motto is ‘Get them health care while you get them Jordans.'”

In the other Washington, a bus ad urged them to take the plunge.

The proof will be in the figgy pudding if the Christmas shopping sales blitz worked when enrollment numbers are released next year.


The National Journal’s Ron Fournier doesn’t think much of the administration’s PR push to sell ObamaCare as a Christmas gift. Take note if you are headed to his house for the holidays and expect to eat.

So much for putting on the dog. Bah Humbug.


If you haven’t seen this, Dems are trying to score political points with a Christmas parody of what Republicans give the rich during the “12 Days of Congress” including “health care repeals,” “transvaginal ultrasounds,” and “less pay for women.”

It’s tweeted by David Cicilline who reps Rhode Island’s first district.

What’s next? Away in a Manger lyrics about the budget?


So John McCain and Chris Murphy fly to the Ukraine to attend a huge anti-government rally and threaten sanctions against them. McCain then tweets a picture of…Ruslana.

At least it wasn’t a selfie, right?


Cory Booker has to be the most engaging politician ever to tweet. I mean, he just gets it. In addition to tweeting inspirational quotes, and fixing residents’ problems -- like missed trash pickup -- every Sunday, he takes a few hours to give his followers a big retweet (RT) for being proud Jerseyites.

Here are a few of his responses with the hashtag #SundayJerseyShoutOut:

No matter your politics, here’s to @CoryBooker for promoting #kindness on the web and reaching out to his constituents.  Makes me want to live in Jersey … almost.


Sundays can be a tough day to write a Twitter column about what’s happening in politics. Yes, there are the tweets about who is going to be on what Sunday show, and what people said on each Sunday sho. But then, click! On go the TVs, and feeds turn into @NFLRedZone:

From Chicago, the president’s former top campaign guy is getting heart palpitations over Da Bears.

And in D.C., Politico’s Chief Economic Correspondent, Ben White, is despondent over the Skins number one guy:

While Washington Post’s Chris Cilizza tries to play the optimist:

And for some, it’s just assumed you know what they’re talking about!

Even basketball beats politics on a Sunday afternoon.

And Cory Booker can’t help himself either:

Ever wish you had a button that blocked someone’s feed just when they’re tweeting obsessively about something you don’t care about? Twitter, if you’re listening, kick that through the end zone, stat.

Watch Lauren every Sunday on #MediaBuzz at 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET.

If you’d like to recommend your favorite political tweets, email laurenashburnFNC@yahoo.com or send her a tweet @laurenashburn with the hashtag #TwitterTalk.

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