Obama Speechwriter Caught Getting Cozy With Clinton Cut-Out

Barack Obama's top speechwriter, while attending a recent party, got a bit too cozy with the woman his boss has tapped to be the next secretary of state.

But not the real Hillary Clinton. Rather, a cardboard cut-out of Clinton.

WashingtonPost.com reported that photos surfaced this week on Facebook showing the aide, Jon Favreau, standing with the likeness of Clinton, his hand cupped around the right side of her chest in one of them.

Next to him, a party-goer in a shirt that says "Obama Staff" is offering a beer to the fake Clinton.

The article says that, according to a transition official, Favreau has offered an apology to Clinton. The photos were taken down after two hours.

Click here to read the full article and see the photo on WashingtonPost.com. 

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