Obama Rallies Crowd at Democratic National Committee Fundraiser

In what felt like a campaign event, President Obama veered from his prepared teleprompter remarks and rallied a crowd at Warner Theater on Tuesday night at an event that raised big money for the Democratic National Committee.

The fundraiser was the second of two events held Wednesday night in Washington by the DNC.

The theater -- which seats two thousand people -- was sold out. The crowd enthusiastically greeted the president which clearly energized him. He explained his recovery plan; the crowd cheered. He defended his budget; the crowd cheered louder. At the mention of green jobs and renewable energy, the crowd erupted in hoorays.

He even told jokes: he said Tim Kaine supported him long before anybody could even pronounce his name. The audience eagerly started chanting "Obama, Obama." And about getting caught up in the cable television chatter, the President said to ignore it. "One day I'm a genius, one day I'm a bum."

Tickets at the first fundraiser of the evening, held at the National Women in the Arts Museum, sold for $30,400 per couple.

The Warner Theater tickets in contrast sold for between $100, 200, 250, 1000 and 2500. With 150 attendees at the first event and 2000 at the second, the President brought in $3million for his party.

These were the first fundraisers of the new presidency and unlike his predecessor, Obama allowed television cameras in.