Obama-less Chicago Mayor's Race is Working Just Fine, Says Obama

Rahm Emanuel's bid to become Chicago's mayor is in no need of his presidential touch, the commander in chief himself said Tuesday.

"I don't have to make calls for Rahm Emanuel. He seems to be doing just fine on his own," President Obama told reporters about his former chief of staff.

Emanuel has already tapped a different presidential resource: Former President Bill Clinton. Clinton has made an appearance in Chicago on behalf of his former senior advisor, while president Obama has yet to hit the trail on Emanuel's behalf or work the phones.

That's not to say Mr. Obama hasn't had kind things to say publicly about Emanuel, including at the announcement of his departure from the White House. Emanuel stepped down from his post there last October to run in the mayoral race. Since then, he has used Mr. Obama's image and words of support in his political ads, but the president has yet to appear alongside Emanuel at any political events.

President Obama does intend to uphold his citizenly duty by voting absentee in the race, but no word yet who's name will be on it.