Obama Administration Denies Tension with Former President Clinton Over Endorsement

The White House is downplaying President Bill Clinton’s endorsement of Colorado Senate candidate Andrew Romanoff instead of the Obama administration backed candidate Michael Bennet.

Deputy White House Press Secretary Bill Burton said Wednesday nobody at the White House received a “heads-up” in advance of the endorsement and found out when Clinton’s foundation sent out a press release Tuesday afternoon. But, Burton denied there is any tension between the two sides.

“There is a lot of things that happen in the White House every day. This was just one of those things where, okay, we have a difference of opinion in this primary,” Burton said.

The White House and Romanoff have already had to answer questions about potential back-room dealings between the two sides when it came to light that the administration had offered possible jobs to Romanoff in the hopes he would not run for Senate against Bennet. This is in addition to the advisory position the White House offered to Congressman Joe Sestak in Pennsylvania, again in the hopes he would not run against the White House backed Senator Arlen Specter for the democratic nomination.