Nevada GOP blasts state’s supreme court’s decision to dismiss election appeal

Richard Grenell says courts have gotten 'very partisan'

The Nevada Republican Party accused the state’s supreme court of rushing its unanimous decision late Tuesday to dismiss the Trump campaign’s appeal to overturn its presidential results.

The Las Vegas Review-Journal reported that the court reached its decision after a “36-hour flurry of legal briefs from Democrats and Republicans.”


The state’s Republican Party said it was “extremely disappointed” with the ruling and said the court rushed to judgment in the “same flawed manner” as the lower court.

“We were not afforded an opportunity to write our brief or argue the case in front of the Supreme Court. Full denial of legitimate due process and appellate rights is truly unprecedented, shocking and extraordinary,” the party’s statement read.

Victor Joecks, a columnist at the paper, tweeted that “tens of thousands of potentially illegal voters is still an unknown. Illegal voting on that scale was possible given the rapid shift to mail ballots and signature verification being a joke.”


He continued, “That’s to say nothing of the list of thousands of immigrant voters the Trump campaign said it obtained after gaining access to DMV records. The court wouldn’t let them include it, because of when it was submitted. But that should be a major concern.”

Aaron D. Ford, the state’s attorney general, tweeted after the ruling that neither President Trump nor his surrogates ever “presented sufficient evidence of widespread fraud."

"Yes, they spouted nonsense in the media. But they NEVER backed it up in court. That’s why they always lost. And that’s why they lost again tonight.”

The court said in its ruling that appellants—those seeking the appeal— must "demonstrate error of law, findings of fact not supported by substantial evidence or an abuse of discretion in the admission or rejection of evidence by the district court. We are not convinced they have done so.”

Last Friday, an attorney for the Trump campaign presented claims to a district court of voter fraud that included 42,284 votes that were allegedly counted twice and 20,000 votes that allegedly belonged to people found to have no mailing address. The judge claimed that Trump’s team failed to provide evidence to support the claim. (The Nevada GOP posted a video on Twitter that it said showed 20 binders filled with 8,000 pages of evidence.)

Biden is due six votes from Nevada. The state high court certified on Nov. 24 that he won the state by 33,596 votes, or nearly 2.4%. The appeal was expected to get fast-track handling because the Electoral College is scheduled to finalize nationwide presidential election results on Dec. 14. The Trump campaign can still take this case to the U.S. Supreme Court, but the ruling was seen as another setback.

The Review-Journal reported that on Tuesday night, Republicans were forced to make their case in just a few hours. Joecks tweeted that “in just 2.5 hours, the @realdonaldtrump campaign filed a 40-page response to NV Supreme Court. Pretty incredible.”


The tweet caught the attention of Richard Grenell, Trump’s former acting director of National Intelligence, who posted, “The bigger story is that the Nevada Supreme Court gave us 2.5 hours to respond to their outrageous demands. Our courts are becoming very partisan.”

Fox News' Caitlin McFall and the Associated Press contributed to this report

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