Mitch Daniels Gets 16 Stitches After Head Injury

Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels was taken to an Indianapolis hospital after a door hit him in the head following his Friday afternoon workout. The injury required 16 stitches to his forehead.

The governor's office said the accident happened around 1:30pm when Gov. Daniels was standing near a door at the National Institute for Fitness and Sport in Indianapolis. The door swung open and hit the governor on the forehead.

Daniels was transported to Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis by his security detail. After being treated, Daniels was released and is recovering at home.

Friday's accident marks the second time in three months Daniels has spent time in the hospital. Back in February, Daniels had surgery to repair a torn rotator cuff in his right shoulder. Daniels had to keep his arm in a sling while his shoulder healed.

The much hyped Daniels has yet to make an announcement about whether he will jump in the GOP primary race for president. The governor's office says there are no changes to Daniels upcoming schedule. Daniels is expected to speak at an event in Washington, D.C. next week.