Mica Rolls Out House Transportation Bill

Rep. John Mica, R-Fla., rolled out a House Transportation Reauthorization bill Thursday that seeks $230 billion in spending over six years for highways, highway safety and transit. The Obama administration had wanted more than double that amount -- between $500 and $550 billion.

Rep. Mica, Chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, says his plan will match the amount of revenue raised from gas taxes over those six years.

He proposes reforms aimed at eliminating duplication in highway programs, "cutting bureaucratic red tape," and encouraging the private sector to invest in transportation infrastructure.

But it could face tough sledding in the Senate where Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., Chairwoman of the Senate Public Works Subcommittee, is expected to propose $109 Billion in transportation spending over two years -- basically maintaining the previous spending level with an allowance for inflation.