Why Christie faces political fallout over bridge scandal
Reaction to N.J. governor's apology for traffic jam
Never mind the war on poverty event held in D.C. yesterday where Paul Ryan said: “We've got to stop quarantining the poor.” Forget that a vote on unemployment insurance renewal fell apart. And please, don’t worry about Speaker John Boehner’s remarks on immigration -- or a new classified DoD report saying Ed Snowden disclosures could “gravely impact” national security.
#NotChristieTweets just don’t rate.
For the second day, Chris Christie’s #Bridgegate (why is every scandal a “gate”?) dominated most of the media and political Twitter feeds.
When scandal-related press conferences are broadcast, the new water cooler is live tweeting, where everyone talks at the same time trying to outdo each other with witty sayings or agenda-pushing declamations. And, it can be (yawn) repetitive, simultaneous transcriptions of good quotes.
#Bridgegate brought positive performance analysis by fellow Republican lawmakers:
Comparisons of Obama and Christie’s styles:
And the typical who-can-be-funniest tweets:
And one reference to the top-rated ABC drama, “Scandal,” featuring DC fixer Olivia Pope.
The general Twitter consensus on needing a real-life Pope? The National Review’s Jonah Goldberg nails it.
Meanwhile Greta fights back against the Huffington Post’s claim that Fox News downplayed the Christie scandal. Her blog shows exact times and content of her reporting.
And Fox’s Brit Hume fought back against Washington Post’s Karen Tumulty, who insinuated Fox downplayed the presser coverage.
Brit is on to something. I’d like my Twitter feed back.
Watch Lauren every Sunday on #MediaBuzz at 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET. If you’d like to recommend your favorite political tweets, email laurenashburnFNC@yahoo.com or send her a tweet @laurenashburn with the hashtag #TwitterTalk.