Marco Rubio's plane makes emergency landing in Albuquerque

July 25, 2012: Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla. speaks during a session entitled: 'The U.S. Congress and the Global AIDS Epidemic" at the XIX International AIDS Conference in Washington. (AP)

Florida Senator Marco Rubio's plane made an emergency landing in Albuquerque after a sensor went off indicating electrical problems, public information officer at Albuquerque International Sunport Daniel Jiron said.

The plane was going from Las Vegas to Des Moines for a rally for presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

The private plane landed safely.

"Bad news. Replacement plane won't get here in time 2 get us 2 #DesMoines #Iowa for@MittRomney rally.Was looking forward 2 it.We will be back," Rubio tweeted.

He later tweeted: "Was able to give speech by cell phone to crowd at the @MittRomney rally in#DesMoines #Iowa.Looking forward to seeing u guys soon in person!"