Long-Shot Louisiana Senate Candidate Challenges Vitter to Cage Fight

Shown here are Louisiana Sen. David Vitter, left, and Senate candidate Mike Spears. (AP Photos)

A dark horse Senate candidate is trying to bring back the art of the duel, challenging Louisiana Sen. David Vitter to a mixed-martial arts cage fight next month in the run-up to the election.

Third-party candidate Mike Spears, a Louisiana businessman, is an ultra-long shot in the race dominated by Vitter, a Republican, and Democratic challenger Rep. Charlie Melancon. If Spears can't beat Vitter at the polls, he's at least hoping to beat him in the ring -- or cage, as it were.

Old-fashioned duels were usually called to resolve quarrels and restore the honor of an offended party, but Spears said he's calling this match to restore the honor of Louisiana.

"This fight will symbolize the epic battle between the American people and an out-of-control tyrannical federal government and the reckless politicians at the helm," he said.

It could be a fair fight. The 46-year-old Spears, at 5 feet 10 inches, weighs in at 190 pounds, according to his campaign. Vitter is just three years older, though his physical stats could not be immediately confirmed.

According to The Daily Advertiser, Spears accused Vitter of having "blood on your hands" at a press conference Wednesday, adding: "I think it's time you have blood on your face."

Spears claims to be setting up a legitimate fighting event -- though he is not a mixed-martial arts professional and says he's only starting to train this week. He proposes a three-round match at the Cajundome on Oct. 16, at a "Return of the Champions" fight hosted by USA-MMA.

Vitter's campaign had no comment on the challenge.

Spears has accounted for the possibility that the senator will not physically fight a long-shot competitor. He said USA-MMA is prepared to put up a stand-in if Vitter does not show.

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