Lively Trump fan storms the stage yelling 'I’m Hispanic ...I love me some Trump'

In one of the more bizarre moments of an already odd campaign, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump brought on stage Thursday an ecstatic Colombian woman and Trump supporter during his hour-long speech in Las Vegas.

Myriam Witcher - clutching a copy of People Magazine with Trump, his wife and son on the cover – took to the podium to let the crowd of 1,500 gathered inside the Treasure Island Hotel and Casino’s Mystere Theater know who she wants to be the next president.

‘I’m Hispanic and I vote for Mr. Trump," Witcher shouted in the microphone with her arms raised in the air and Trump giving her a kiss on the head. "We vote for Mr. Trump."

As her voice seemed to crack from the high pitch, Witcher added: ‘Yes, Mr. Trump! We love you! We love you all the way to the White House."

Trump, who had his hands on Witcher’s shoulders while the woman wildly screamed her support for the real estate mogul, made sure to let the crowd know that he had never met Witcher before.

"I swear to you – I think she is totally beautiful and great – I’ve never met her before I swear," he said, before signing her copy of People Magazine and giving Witcher a hug and a kiss.

Witcher, who seems almost an anomaly among a Hispanic community in the U.S. whose displeasure with Trump has been well voiced since the billionaire made his now infamous comments about immigrants early this summer, said she has long been a support of Trump and that she agrees with his proposal to deport all undocumented immigrants.

She added that she had to wait five years for a visa and that she and her family have "respect for the Constitution and rules."

"I’m Hispanic, Latina, and I love me some Trump," Witcher told the Las Vegas Sun. "He’s the perfect man, a businessman."

Nevada, which is seen as a critical state in both the primary campaigns and general election, is a state where Trump has been met with mixed reviews. While he is a major employer with his casino on the Las Vegas Strip, his immigration message has not sat well in a state that is 28 percent Latino and growing and his anti-union stance at his casinos has made him many enemies in one of the few organized labor strongholds in the west.

"Donald Trump says he wants to 'make America great again,' " said Geoconda Arguello-Kline, a Culinary Union officer, during a protest back in August, “Mr. Trump should start right here in Las Vegas with workers at his hotel."

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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