Liberal Dem Changes to Yes Vote on Health Care Overhaul

Kucinich says "yes" to health care overhaul, with reservations. (Fox Photo)

Though he seemed to have more negative than positive things to say about the bill, liberal Rep Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) has announced his intention on Tuesday to vote for health care overhaul legislation. He was a no vote on a different bill that passed the House in November and told Fox two weeks ago that he remained in firm opposition to the bill. “I have doubts about this bill. I don’t think it’s a step toward anything. This is not the bill I want to support, however… if my vote is to be counted now let it counted in favor of comprehensive health care reform.”

Kucinich said that a recent visit to his northern Ohio district by President Barack Obama -- along with a flight aboard Air Force One to and from the event – helped him reach a final decision, though he admitted he was hesitant to take the trip at first. “I thought proper attire (for the flight) would include a parachute.”

In addition to the Presidential appeal, Kucinich said he was finally able to support the legislation as a way to keep the fight alive to reform health care further down the road, and thanks to an old saying that he kept hearing in his home district. “This is a defining moment for whether we’ll have any opportunity to move off of square one on health care and even though I don’t like the bill I think we can move to the more comprehensive approach…. I keep hearing over and over that something is better than nothing. You can argue with that if you want but it’s a common folk wisdom that I kept hearing.”

Asked if his vote would be a catalyst for other progressives who initially voted against health care reform, Kucinich sounded optimistic, “If I can vote for this bill there aren’t many who can’t support it.”